paolo del bene
2008-04-23 01:41:24 UTC
2008/4/22, paolo del bene <ninuxpdb-***>:
ii think that i think that we must invite people to have a new
approach with: books,
music and movies. people first must to study, because in italy only
11% go to the
university. then they must understood that is good to share anything,
but licenses,
contracts must be respected.
is good to share software only if is distributed with the GNU General
Public License
and the last one BSD license compatibile with the GPL. is good to share
documentation, books, manuals, guides if these one are distributed with the GNU
Free Documentation License or Creative Commons, i preefer GPL for software and
GFDL for texts. We must invite people to create, realize things, and
at the same
time to encurage to use things totally free. (free software refers not
price but freedom
so think free speech, not free beer). in italian as in french to say
that a think have
no price we said gratis, but free has the same signify: libero. we
must say people
don't use software, books, movies, music if it is not free. but for
the actual things
again copyrighted, they must respect the authors, because a big community could
have more repressive laws as just happened in 2001 till 2006 with
berlusconi and
from 2006-2008 with prodi, but rutelli of partito democratico and
giuliano urbani
popolo delle libertà have in common one think penalize who share
anything, and so
to create legal problems to any person. now i left you to the original
text that i readed
in italian, but translated for you in english for you.
The peer to peer ? It's a crime Word of Rutelli
Que if vayan todos the minister of the Cultural Assets answers negatively to a
petition that asks the overcoming for proibizionista logic of the laws on the
intellectual property
2223 March 2007 - BenOlds
Source: The Manifest (
WWhich is the difference between the previous Minister of the Assets
and the Cultural Activities, the City Giuliano blue, and the holder in
Francisco Rutelli? The first one spoke little, but when it took to the
word on issues
dirimenti like the intellectual property the reasons of the record enterprises,
cinematographic, publishing they had found their defender. Who used, and uses,
the net in order to share on-linens deposited collective intelligence
in the serveur of
Internet went, according to Giuliano City, subordinate to control,
until emanating a
decree that equipara the peer-to-peer to penal crime. Francisco
Rutelli, instead,
speaks very. But as far as the intellectual property he is online of
continuity with its
Some days before the holder of the Ministry of the Cultural Assets a
petition of the
association "Altroconsumo" has reached in which it is asked Rutelli
see again the
Italian norm on the peer-to-peer. In particular, this association of
the consumers, fort
of beyond diecimila companies the collections, proposed the overcoming
of City the
proibizionista logic of the decree that previews penal endorsements for who
exchanges musical rows, video and other. The first answer has had it from Peter
Folena of the Commission Culture, that it has expressed its consent
regarding the
spirit of the pespirit of the petition. From Rutelli instead a letter
of answer that is all a program.
For the defender of the wedding between the devil and the Saint water (laws:
enterprises and consumers), the copyright is sacred, as the wedding. They go
established rules, supports Rutelli in the answer to "Altroconsumo",
but troubles to
put in argument the sacralità of the intellectual property. The
peer-to-peer it must
therefore remain a crime, even if Rutelli, in order to save the
spirit, rifà to a savee
the spirit, rifà to a savee spirit, rifà to alli, in order to save
the spirit, rifà to
aapplied to a process that judges a previous fact the City approval of
the decree.
Therefore, no intention to modify that norm. Therefore, continuity with the
defendersntinuity with the defendersecord, cinematographic industries. With
goodphic industries. With goodof the "consumers".
In the passed one and concitata electoral campaign, the Union had sent
marks them
of availability towards the reasons of the variegato universe of the
activists of the
cyberspace. It is clear: no revolution, but adhesion to how much of
innovative had
been manifested to international level on the intellectual property.
Translate in
simple terms: acceptance of the principÃ(R) of the copyright, but
propensione for a
mixed system that puts on the same one slowly produced open source or
free. With
the consequent abandonment of the police and penal persecution of who it shares
saperi and acquaintance against the regimen of the intellectual
property. Insomma,
"a moderated" point of view, that it very made however to hope.
Of that availability if trace in the acts of the government of Prodi
Roman is lost some.
The stillicidio continues of police operations - they mails, financial
police, lacks the
police officers, but soon also they will adapt themselves, because
they are in the
faithful centuries - against who she uses the net like common good. It
is time that
also in Italy goes the Argentine adage: "Que if vayan todos".
ii think that i think that we must invite people to have a new
approach with: books,
music and movies. people first must to study, because in italy only
11% go to the
university. then they must understood that is good to share anything,
but licenses,
contracts must be respected.
is good to share software only if is distributed with the GNU General
Public License
and the last one BSD license compatibile with the GPL. is good to share
documentation, books, manuals, guides if these one are distributed with the GNU
Free Documentation License or Creative Commons, i preefer GPL for software and
GFDL for texts. We must invite people to create, realize things, and
at the same
time to encurage to use things totally free. (free software refers not
price but freedom
so think free speech, not free beer). in italian as in french to say
that a think have
no price we said gratis, but free has the same signify: libero. we
must say people
don't use software, books, movies, music if it is not free. but for
the actual things
again copyrighted, they must respect the authors, because a big community could
have more repressive laws as just happened in 2001 till 2006 with
berlusconi and
from 2006-2008 with prodi, but rutelli of partito democratico and
giuliano urbani
popolo delle libertà have in common one think penalize who share
anything, and so
to create legal problems to any person. now i left you to the original
text that i readed
in italian, but translated for you in english for you.
The peer to peer ? It's a crime Word of Rutelli
Que if vayan todos the minister of the Cultural Assets answers negatively to a
petition that asks the overcoming for proibizionista logic of the laws on the
intellectual property
2223 March 2007 - BenOlds
Source: The Manifest (
WWhich is the difference between the previous Minister of the Assets
and the Cultural Activities, the City Giuliano blue, and the holder in
Francisco Rutelli? The first one spoke little, but when it took to the
word on issues
dirimenti like the intellectual property the reasons of the record enterprises,
cinematographic, publishing they had found their defender. Who used, and uses,
the net in order to share on-linens deposited collective intelligence
in the serveur of
Internet went, according to Giuliano City, subordinate to control,
until emanating a
decree that equipara the peer-to-peer to penal crime. Francisco
Rutelli, instead,
speaks very. But as far as the intellectual property he is online of
continuity with its
Some days before the holder of the Ministry of the Cultural Assets a
petition of the
association "Altroconsumo" has reached in which it is asked Rutelli
see again the
Italian norm on the peer-to-peer. In particular, this association of
the consumers, fort
of beyond diecimila companies the collections, proposed the overcoming
of City the
proibizionista logic of the decree that previews penal endorsements for who
exchanges musical rows, video and other. The first answer has had it from Peter
Folena of the Commission Culture, that it has expressed its consent
regarding the
spirit of the pespirit of the petition. From Rutelli instead a letter
of answer that is all a program.
For the defender of the wedding between the devil and the Saint water (laws:
enterprises and consumers), the copyright is sacred, as the wedding. They go
established rules, supports Rutelli in the answer to "Altroconsumo",
but troubles to
put in argument the sacralità of the intellectual property. The
peer-to-peer it must
therefore remain a crime, even if Rutelli, in order to save the
spirit, rifà to a savee
the spirit, rifà to a savee spirit, rifà to alli, in order to save
the spirit, rifà to
aapplied to a process that judges a previous fact the City approval of
the decree.
Therefore, no intention to modify that norm. Therefore, continuity with the
defendersntinuity with the defendersecord, cinematographic industries. With
goodphic industries. With goodof the "consumers".
In the passed one and concitata electoral campaign, the Union had sent
marks them
of availability towards the reasons of the variegato universe of the
activists of the
cyberspace. It is clear: no revolution, but adhesion to how much of
innovative had
been manifested to international level on the intellectual property.
Translate in
simple terms: acceptance of the principÃ(R) of the copyright, but
propensione for a
mixed system that puts on the same one slowly produced open source or
free. With
the consequent abandonment of the police and penal persecution of who it shares
saperi and acquaintance against the regimen of the intellectual
property. Insomma,
"a moderated" point of view, that it very made however to hope.
Of that availability if trace in the acts of the government of Prodi
Roman is lost some.
The stillicidio continues of police operations - they mails, financial
police, lacks the
police officers, but soon also they will adapt themselves, because
they are in the
faithful centuries - against who she uses the net like common good. It
is time that
also in Italy goes the Argentine adage: "Que if vayan todos".